
I’m Erdi (/ˈɛɹdˌiː/). I’m a software engineer, an AI researcher, and an entrepreneur. Over the years of my journey, I’ve tried various approaches to problem-solving and innovation. Currently, I favor combining first principles thinking, data-driven decision-making, and a touch of minimalism.

  1. Foundation with First Principles: My innovation journey always starts with a simple ritual: a cup of coffee, no distractions, and an A3 paper sprawling in front of me. Here, I dive deep, asking the kind of questions that peel back the layers of complexity. This process isn’t just about understanding the problem; it’s about redefining it. It’s during these long, uninterrupted sessions that my most profound insights emerge, like the time I realized that at the heart of an educational app I was developing, was not technology, but user engagement.

  2. Data-Driven Expansion: With my foundational understanding in place, I pivot to data. Whether it’s scouring through existing research or conducting compact, reproducible experiments, this step is crucial. But here’s the catch: good data is hard to come by, and bias lurks around every corner. To counter this, I often find myself gravitating towards objective, meta-analytical reviews, which offer a broader, unbiased perspective.

  3. Iterating on Theory and Evidence - Generating Ideas: My workspace then turns into a lab of sorts – a place where A3 papers meet the digital world. I oscillate between the physical and digital realms, synthesizing theory and data. It’s a dance of sorts, often leading me down paths less traveled. Sometimes, it’s the open-ended conversations with fellow thinkers that illuminate a hidden aspect of the problem.

  4. Using Evidence - Filtering Innovations: After a flurry of ideation, I’m usually left with an A3 filled with potential. This is where data-driven decision-making steps in to sift through the chaos. It’s a rigorous process, where each idea is held up against the unforgiving light of empirical evidence and practical viability.

  5. Minimal First Implementations: The final leap is about bringing ideas to life in their most basic, functional form. It’s a practice in minimalism and efficiency - creating something tangible that captures the essence of an idea. This methodology has been my guiding star in everything from launching mobile apps to developing internal frameworks.

This approach of mine didn’t materialize overnight and, admittedly, it’s not without its flaws. One significant oversight is the lack of upfront user needs validation. Over the years, my projects in Education, Healthcare, and Fintech have been both a playground and a battleground, where ideas meet reality, and plans meet execution.